Crime Sentinel UK

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The object of this particular page is to:
1. Champion the rights of the law abidng Citizen againts the criminal.
2. Highlight loopy police and judicial decisons that fly in th face of common sense or the safety/security/well being of the Citizen.
3. Advise about on law refoms or new laws which may or may not support the Citizen.
4. Report on decisions by the major political parties with regards to proposals they intend to implement in future for the benefit of thr Citizen re. law and order and crime fighting.
5.Comment on the needless red-tape preventing police officers from effective policing.
If you have information on ant of the catagories above please let us know!

Loopy Police Decision

1. Section 44 of th Terrorism Act:

Increasingly this act is being used by the police either through stupidity, or malice, or confusion or bad training to: (a) terrorise the ordinary citizen taking photos in public. (b) suppress journalists from photographing demonstrationss and such like.

Remember it is fundamental right for you take take photographs in public. Police guideline recently issued reinforce this. Here are some examples of the current idiocy (information courtesy of Police Oracle)

In December Guardian reporter Paul Lewis was stopped and searched while taking pictures of the Gherkin building in London and Grant Smith, an architecture photographer, was apprehended around the corner while photographing Sir Christopher Wren's Christ Church.

Other recent cases include Jeff Overs, a BBC photographer who told the Andrew Marr Show he was stopped under suspicion of terrorism reconnaissance while photographing St Paul's Cathedral, and Andrew White, an amateur photographer questioned by two police community support officers for photographing Christmas lights in Brighton.

Last April two Austrian tourists were forced to delete their shots after being stopped by police in Walthamstow; and Alex Turner, an amateur photographer, was arrested under section 44 after taking images of a fish and chip shop in Kent

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