Crime Sentinel UK


Pub Licenses
House Buying
Citizens Arrest
ID Crime
Con Crime
Internet Crime
Domestic Abuse
Cop Scene UK
Police State?
Hang 'Em High!
Reporting a Crime
Police Complaints
Police SS Uniform

There are a whole raft of simple (and perfectly legal) measures you can take to seize control of your neighbourhood...

You dont have to wait unitl you are burgled. You dont have to wait until the junkies, prostitutes, gangs, yobs, pushers, and feral youths move in. You dont have to take it anymore! You can take control of your own neighbourhood by pre-emptive action!
Remember in each case below failure by the statutory authorities or agencies can be pursued by the Ombudsman, the Police Complaints Comisssion, the local Police Authority, and of course via the media!
Things which have been suggested are:
1. Keep a tab of any rented houses. Find out who the Landlord is. Immediately complina to rhe Landlord and to the Council if the tenants are noisy, or there is litter or the garden is derelict or there are overflowng bins.
2. Ascertain the license (opening hours) of all pubs and restaurants,  off-licenses, take-aways etc in yoru area. Check to see if they are keeping to the license. Complain to the licensing commitee  (and to your local councillor and the police) if they are not.
3. Similarly, monitor any noise, vandalism, drug use, anti-social behaviour etc from such premises and report it as above.
4. Join or set up a Neighbourhood Crime Fighting Group, or Reisidentst Association or Neighbourhood Watch.
5. Follow the home security guidelines as indicated elsewhere on this website.
6. If yo are not satisfied with the responsee of your neighbourhood police team, or neighbourhood officer,  or pcso or response unit then complain!! If they do not deal with or solve a problem or takle it seriously again complain. Keep complaining until the problem is solved. If you are not satisfied then go to the Police Authority, or the Council or Police Complaints Commission.
7. Consider with your neighbours about hiring private street guards for your neighbourhood. It neednt be very expensive at all.
8.Consider CCTV for your home- or link up with neighbours to have two or three properties covered.
9. Request the crime statistics for your neighbourhood from the police- they probably wont give them to you!  But it demonstrates that the citizenry is taking both crime and policng seriously. And there are moves afoot for such figures to be made available as of right.
10. Regularly check all vehicles on your street. Report any withourt road tax to: a) DVLA b) Police c) Council.
11.If groups of people (young or otheriwise) are congregating at night in a regularr spot then report it to the ploice and get them dispersed.
12. Report any begging.
13.Object to any extension to licensing hours of pubs in residential areas.
14. Report any late night comings and goings of cars. This may be related to drug taking or drug dealing.
15. Get private car parks closed at night to discourage the above.
16. Report any vehicles parked close to junctions. This is a dangerous obstruction.
17. Monitor and report any suspicious rented houses: e.g. windows always curtained or shuttered; lots of electrcial equipment being moved in; compost being moved in; late night comnings and goings; vietnamese residents. You may have a cannabis factory in your neighbourhood!
18. If you live near a University, ensure you have contact with their neighbourhood liaison offuicer and complain about any late night student behaviour or noisy houses.
19. Form a local crime fighting monitoring and action group. Send a report to your local media from time to time.
20. Always ensure you get a crime reference numbere when you report something to the police. This will be prefixed either URN or EA. Remember if you dont report it then according to the official statistics then it did not happen!
21. Find who the Crime Reporter is for your local newspaper and radio.
22. Don't take the law into your own hands or endanger your life. Put pressure on those paid to do their joib to make sure that they do!!

 Please get in touch to offer comments on Crime Fighting and Home Protection in the UK and join our mailing list.

Householders Working Against Crime