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Thames Valley Police SS Uniform

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Police SS Uniform

The new police uniform trialed by Thames Valley Police in Aylesbury in 2008 looks like a botch between paramilitary, chav and SS!

Loopiness comes to Thames Valley Police again it seems! Whilst one can appreciate the need for modernistion as times and conditions and challenges to policing change, but really what sort of nonsense uniform is this to impose on our nation? The new uniform abandons all pretence at public friendliness and reponsiveness or any kind of professionalism and tradition.
Was an outside agency paid public money to dream up this idiocy? Or was it in-house? If the first, TVP should claim  our money back. If the latter the idiots should be sacked!
recent note: I went to the road show today in a supermarket lobby: it is worse than I thought, i) the police baseball cap  could be copied within an hour or two by anyone half handy; ii) it is cheap and tatty and looks awful; iii) whilst officers under the age of 25 might be able to get away with it and look like kiddie Formula 1 stewards, older officers will look like chav dads! Oh and  the police outnumberd the "public being consulted!.. wonder why they did not do the road show in the town centre?.
To be fair, several forces around the country have introduced new unforms for reasons of safety and operational effectiveness but usually the helmet or the flat cap has been retained, thus maintaining the status and dignity of the patrolling officer. If certain upper managment of Thames Valley Police consider the current helmet to be impractical during pursuit- why is it that army personnel still have helmets? Could not a modern version of the traditional helmet have been designed (possibly unisex). For health and safety reasons should not an officer have the head protected?
The first country in the world to introduce civil policing are we now to be the first country in the world to make civil police paramilitary? That is what it looks like .
The tradtional  helmet may be a little funny but it is a world recognised symbol of sturdy civil policing in a democracy, and the benchmark of professionalism, justice, courtesy, and dedication.
The lame argument is used "It will help us interact with young people" . What 'politically-correct' nonsense! Wayward and criminal young people will laugh at the police even more; trendification will not help the police. Furthermore officers will tend to lower their standards even more. Ephemeral fashion and pandereing to 'gangsta' crime culture will not help modern crime fighting. 
Or are we being softened up step by step for a police state? (see page "Police State?")
n case you did not know:
Out goes: white shirt, tie, and traditional police helmet with the Queen's badge  (a mark of professionalism and trust since regular  and statutory policing began in 1829).
In comes: black roll top shirt, black combat trousers and...... black baseball cap!
It makes the police look rather like a chav version of Hitler's SS!
Personally I think they look scruffy/intimidating/para military and prone to impersonation and offer no head protection.  Perhaps to complete this trend TVP fashion mandarins will supply our officers with hoodies (and the slovenly lingo that goes with it for good measure)!.
Already standards are dropping with an "Oi  mate" replacing " Good day Sir". How long will it be before the traditional greetings becomes rap speak? One can just imagine it:
"Yo bro I  is  yus NS dude ya dig?" (translation: "Good day Sir, I am your Neighbourhood Specialist Officer"
Has the Chief Constable taken leave of her senses or is there a more sinister hidden agenda at work here?
b) At a road show at Asda in Lower Early, nr. Reading  on November 27th. (where you can see the uniforms). But one wonders why it is not being held in the middle of Broad Street for maximum public interaction (or perhaps that is what they do not want?)
also at:
28 November – Midsummer Place, Milton Keynes
4 December – Friars Square, Aylesbury
18 December – Westgate Centre, Oxford.
Meanwhile here are some comments we have received:
"Hat is idiotic. If you want to look American why not copy NYPD hats. Shirt  is Mussolini though easier to keep clean than white. Why combat trousers? If she expects combat. would not better head protection be more important What utter cretin dreamed this one up? "
"The German police introduced a new uniform not long ago and it is quite smart. The American police uniform by comparison to this scruffy looking nonsense is very smart. "
"If the all new Thames Valley "chav" Police insist on trying to be trendy and American, then simply copy NYPD uniform- at least its professional."
"Another nail in the coffin of public faith in the police"
"So... Big-Brother comes a step closer"
"We have lost so much of what makes us British- and now it seems we are to lose the much loved British bobby and his world famous helmet and instead get fascist looking paramilitaries"
" How long before young constables are wearing their baseball caps back to front, clicking their fingers, chewing gum and muttering rap lingo. Right on yo man?!!"

click on any of the following for websites related to this issue
Northamptonshire Police new uniform  (police site) no baseball cap.
Mirror newspaper comment  on Thames Valley uniform
new Hertfordshire police uniform (Herts Mercury) no baseball cap
Central Scotland police new uniform (police site) no baseball cap
North Wales Police new uniform (Essex Gazette) baseball cap
West Mercia Police new uniform (Worcester News)  no baseball cap
Kent Police new uniform  (Only Kent news)  no baseball cap
Greater Manchester Police new uniform (Manchester Evening News) no baseball caps

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