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Internet fraud is the fastest growing crime. Any of us who surf the web or use e-mail are potential victims! 

Stay safe from internet fraud

Internet fraud is one of the fastest growing areas of illegal activity in the UK. If you shop online, take a few easy steps to ensure that your personal information is protected.

For many years the intense security that protected most internet-based transactions arguably made shopping online safer than shopping in the high street.

But over the last few years, clever hackers have succeeded in a number of internet scams - convincing those who bank online to give over their account details, for example, and creating false credit card encryption screens.

So these days, you need to take extra steps to ensure that your information is protected.

Don't become a victim

Here are a few things you can do to make your online transactions safer:

  • make sure your web-browser is set to the highest security level
  • use a recent version of a web browser - they have better security features
  • look for a padlock symbol at the bottom of the page and 'https' at the beginning of the web address. If those are not there, do not enter credit card information
  • if you have concerns, telephone the company to ask about its encryption
  • print out your electronic receipt and keep it safe
  • check bank and credit card statements to make sure the details match
  • never disclose your PIN numbers to anyone, including people who claim to be from your bank
  • remember, your bank will never ask you to reenter your account information, and they will never ask you to send your pin number in an email

This Crown Copyright  text appears courtesy of the Home Office

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